You may have stumbled across this post while searching for "5G towers near me" "5g antenna near me" or "5G towers locations," and there are perhaps two reasons why you got here.
First, you may have been looking for 5G connectivity in your area, and wanted to find a 5G tower location near you. Or, more importantly, you may be concerned about having a 5G tower near you and the implications of 5G radiation so close to home.
If you got here simply because you wanted to see if your area has 5G coverage, read on, as you may be in for some unexpected, rather shocking news related to 5G rolling out...and if you're here to validate the dangers of a 5G tower popping up near you, well, we can tell you straight off the bat — the news is certainly worrisome.
In the post, we'll cover 5G towers locations near you, and also address what 5G is, why you should be concerned with the eruption of 5G technology, and the serious implications it may have on your health and well-being.
Table of Contents
- What's All The Hype About 5G?
- How is 5G Different from 4G?
- How Does 5G Work?
- 5G Usage by Carrier
- Do I Have 5G Towers and 5G Antennas Near Me?
- How to Find 5G Towers Near Me
- How to Measure EMF from 5G Towers Near Me
- The Dangers of RF Frequencies and Cell Tower Radiation
- 5G Radiation – Should We be Concerned?
- Key Takeaways
What's All The Hype About 5G?
Imagine downloading a full-length movie in under 5 seconds...that's a reality now with 5G unfolding.
5G, or fifth-generation cellular wireless, just like its predecessors, 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G is the latest upcoming form of mobile communication and mobile networking technology. Similar to generations before it, 5G aspires to make wireless communication faster as more and more people want to stay connected online.
And by fast...we mean lightning fast. As per Consumer Reports, a 2-hour movie that took 26 hours to download on a 3G network and 6 minutes on 4G, will only take...wait..for it...3.6 seconds on a 5G network.
So what does this mean?
Well, it means that apart from just your internet connection getting blazing fast, everything around you will become faster and more connected.
Not only will you be able to play graphic-intensive video games lag-free, but you can also expect quick-responding safer smart vehicles, instant access to files on the cloud, advanced robotics and AI, and much more.
In fact, there will be an outburst of new products and services along with the Internet of Things (IoT), that allows multiple devices to communicate with each other, and demands super-fast speeds, leading to smarter homes, and smarter cities.
Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it is.
Sure, it goes without saying that 5G will bring tremendous benefits in terms of how we consume wireless information...but at what cost?
Many experts believe that will all the hype around 5G rolling out in the upcoming years, there are some serious, rather, dangerous health concerns that consumers need to be aware of.
But before we get to that, let's first look at how 5G is different than the 4G we use today, so we can better understand the potential dangers 5G towers can bring to where you live.
How is 5G Different from 4G?
With 1G the world experienced analog voice, next came digital voice and text messaging with 2G, 3G brought in mobile data, and 4G took the world by storm with widespread mobile internet usage worldwide.
No matter where you live today, your phone is most likely connected to a 4G network. And in order for you to stay constantly connected, your phone uses RF or radiofrequency waves to connect to the nearest cell tower.
You may have seen these towers in or near your area. In fact, some are even disguised as trees as you can see below:
These towers also referred to as macrocell towers, have the capacity to support many devices, on a wide range of frequencies, over spanning distances.
However, what they are not equipped for is for supporting 5G.
In order to understand why we'll need to take a look at the radio spectrum which is broken up into different "radio bands". Each band has a specific frequency limit, and the spectrum itself is divided into frequency ranges from ELF (extremely low frequencies) to EHF (extremely high frequencies), as demonstrated in the image below.
Source: RFPage
While 3G uses a frequency band of 1.8-2.5 GHz delivering a data rate of up to 2Mbps, 4G works on bands of 2-8GHz delivering data rates up to 20 Mbps or more.
So the higher the frequency...the faster the speed.
But 5G is in a league of its own. To achieve speeds that are potentially 100x faster than 4G, 5G uses the EHF or Extremely High-Frequency band that runs in the 30 GHz to 300 GHz range.
That is the first reason why 4G cell towers cannot support 5G, as they are only capable of transmitting on a specific frequency of the RF spectrum.
Secondly, the RF frequency spectrum that 5G uses does not work well over larger distances, nor can it penetrate easily through objects like buildings, trees ore even moisture.
In fact, in order to make 5G work, these networks require entirely new infrastructure to work, which we'll go into next...
How Does 5G Work?
5G requires new technologies to work in sync to deliver uninterrupted speeds while managing a massive number of connected devices on a network. This video below is a highly recommended watch to understand exactly how 5G works, and the infrastructure and technology it demands.
Millimeter Waves
The RF frequency range of 30 GHz to 300 GHz required by 5G, falls under the EHF band, which is also called the millimeter band, as the wavelengths in this frequency run from 1-10mm, and are referred to as millimeter waves (mmW). Besides being a popular choice for 5G networks, mmWaves also have applications in satellite communication and radio astronomy.
When it comes to frequencies, it's also important to note that higher frequencies have shorter wavelengths.
So while a 3 KHz, low frequency, has a wavelength of 100 km (over 60 miles), a 300 GHz, high frequency, has a wavelength of just 1 mm.
So, although 5G promises high speeds, the shorter high-frequency millimeter wave spectrum is prone to distortion and interference, requiring advanced technologies like small cell infrastructure, MIMO, and beamforming.
Small Cells
Small cells are basically base stations that work on low power but are capable of handling a huge volume of data. Unlike the much larger 3G/4G cell towers we see today, small cells look fairly simple and basic and are in fact designed to look unobtrusive. They are easy to deploy on lampposts, bus shelters, and buildings so they are always close to connected users.
Source: Lifewire
Since small cells use millimeter waves for transmission which can only cover shorter distances, and not get past minor obstacles like a raincloud or a car, a lot of them are needed in close proximity to cover a larger area, without compromising signal quality or seeing drops.
MIMO and Beamforming
That brings us to MIMO (multiple input, multiple output), and beamforming. MIMO basically uses multiple antennas for increased efficiency in transmission and reception, which is important to keep up with the high data rates that 5G demands, and for reducing signal disturbances.
While MIMO-enabled towers have multiple antennas to streamline transmission, beamforming directs these antennas to specific areas and locations to offer uninterrupted service. Through beamforming, a small cell tower can literally locate a particular user at a specified location and can transmit to them using multiple antennas at the same time. If the user changes location, these changes can automatically be tracked by the network, and transmission will instantaneously be shifted to different small cell antenna sites, so a smooth connection and continuous service, is always maintained.
Watch this insightful video snippet below to see how MIMO technology works as explained by renowned EMF engineer Pawel Wypychowski:
Source: The EMF Guy
But not all 5G is created equal. Although millimeter waves are the ideal carrier for super-charged speeds, you'd need hundreds if not thousands of small cell towers to compensate for the poor coverage millimeter waves offer.
Most mobile carriers aren't equipped to shell out that kind of money (just yet), to install small cell towers on every street corner. Therefore, current 5G solutions will also run on other RF frequency spectrums, such as low-band and mid-band connections, and beamforming will ensure that your phone signal doesn't drop every time it jumps from a mmWave connection to another band. So even though you may face a lapse in speed, you'll still always be connected to the network.
To understand this better we highly recommend you watch the snippet below to get an idea of how the 5G roll-out is currently unraveling (in fact, if you really want to learn more about the drivers behind 5G, frequency ranges, 5G smart car radars and more, the entire video is well worth a watch!):
Source: The EMF Guy
5G Usage by Carrier
Different phone carriers in the U.S. are proposing to use different frequency bands for 5G.
It's important to note that the 5G spectrum (or any radio band) need to be licensed to carriers and is usually sold through auctions. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) regulates the use of RF bands globally, while in the U.S., usage is controlled by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
As of writing this post, the FCC has auctioned the 24 and 28 GHz bands for 5G use. However, "later this year, the FCC will auction the upper 37 GHz, 39 GHz, and 47 GHz bands. With these auctions, the FCC will release almost 5 gigahertz of 5G spectrum into the market—more than all other flexible use bands combined."
To see FCC's 5G plan for America, you can view this brief video below:
With the high cost of the infrastructure associated with 5G, most carriers will continue to use different bands in the service options they provide, so when you're looking for 5G towers locations near you, the carrier you use will dictate the coverage you have.
Below you'll find the 5G deployment plans for the most common US carriers:
Verizon's 5G Ultra Wideband runs on mmWaves and uses frequencies between 28-39 GHz
Using more spectrums than any other carrier nationwide, Sprint will employ the 800 MHz, 1.9 GHz and 2.5 GHz RF bands.
T-Mobile's strategy is to use both mid-band and low-band spectrums in its 5G roll-out plan.
Depending on denser or more rural/suburban areas, AT&T will either use the mmWave spectrum or the mid-band to low-band spectrum respectively.
Next, we'll show you exactly how you can find if your area has 5G coverage. This can come in especially handy if you're searching for a new home, considering moving to another state, or want to see the level of 5G exposure where you currently live.
Do I Have 5G Towers and 5G Antennas Near Me?
There are a few ways to find a 5G tower location near you. Below we'll share some of the most up-to-date and user-friendly resources we found to find 5G antenna and 5G tower locations near you.
Ookla 5G Map
We found that Ookla's 5G interactive map was one of the easiest tools to use to find a 5G tower location near you, and we'll take you through it below.
The first thing you'll see when you go to the interactive map is a flat map of the world with 5G marked locations.
You can also filter by the following "deployment" types to narrow down your results:
Commercial Availability — A 5G network is currently live in this area, and devices are available for users to purchase
Limited Availability — A 5G network is present in this area, but devices are only available for certain users such as a particular carrier, sector or industry
Pre-Release — 5G infrastructure (cell towers) are in place but the service is being tested or is not yet available to the public
Here are the steps you need to follow to find a 5g tower location:
- Uncheck all the filter options and simply leave "Commercial Availability" checked, as this will show you where 5G is up and running currently
- Next, zoom into the location you want to check for 5G coverage. So for example, let's say you live in New York. Simply keep double-clicking your mouse to zoom into that area, or use the + and - keys on the top left of the screen.
- Next, click on the numbered dot to see who the carrier is for 5G in that area. So for example, for New York, this is what we got below:
- So, now you can see that for New York city live 5G coverage is being provided by Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless
- The next step would be to see exactly which areas within New York have 5G service. This is important because unlike 4G which covers much larger areas, 5G technology works differently as we mentioned above, so even if it is present in a city, it doesn't mean 5G coverage spans the entire city.
To dig deeper into the areas, simply pick a carrier and find their coverage map.
T-Mobile 5G Coverage
Let's start with T-Mobile. We just googled "T-Mobile 5G coverage map," and found this page that shows T-Mobile's 5G coverage. In our case, we clicked on New York, but there are other cities you can choose from as well as shown in the image below.
The areas in pink are marked as 5G, and those in dark purple are all under 4G LTE, as marked by the legend on the top left.
You'll see the 4G covers the entire area, and 5G covers some areas of New York like the Lower East Side and around the Empire State Building and Downtown Brooklyn. But if you go more north towards Harlem, you'll see that 5G coverage starts to dwindle.
Obviously, you can't pin-point down to the precise location of each individual tower (they are quite small), but as 5G towers are small cell, they need to be in close proximity of about 150 meters (500 feet) of each other to provide proper coverage.
Sprint 5G Coverage
Next, comes Sprint. Sprint actually has one of the best coverage maps from all of the other carriers. The first page we found was this one, that showed an overview of all of the cities where Sprint has 5G coverage.
But their best 5G coverage map is actually here where you can literally zoom in specifically to each neighborhood.
When you first land on this page, it just shows a map of the US, but here's what you need to do:
- Click on the "Legend" link in the menu, so you can see the type of data coverage Sprint provides. Next, in the search bar start typing your location, and simply select it from the auto-suggested options listed.
- Once your location appears, navigate to the exact area you want to look in. In the example below, we chose the New York Stock Exchange. Upon clicking on that location, you should see a pop-up that shows the coverage Sprint provides for that area.
You can also get an idea visually by locating all of the "orange" 5G areas amongst the more "yellow" 4G areas. - One cool thing that Sprint does is it also allows you to search by device. So if you have a 5G enabled phone you can actually click "Change Device" on the top right, and then search for your device or simply type in "5G" as we did below and all the available devices will be shown to you. Simply click on a device to view 5G coverage.
We chose the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G and here's what we got:
AT&T 5G Coverage
We found that AT&T's coverage maps were lacking far behind other carriers. We found a page talking about AT&T's 5G roll-out, that simply showed us an overview of coverage areas, where we could see if our city is covered, as seen below:
The interactive map with a legend that AT&T provides here only covers up to 4G coverage, and did not help to identify any of their 5G coverage in detail:
Verizon 5G Coverage
Similar to AT&T, Verizon also provides an interactive map here, but it doesn't show any 5G coverage just yet. Verizon actually provides two types of service, Verizon 5G Home for home users, and separate coverage for cell phone users, that only rolled out earlier this year.
To check for Verizon 5G Home service you'll need to go here, scroll all the way to the bottom and enter your street address to check if the service is available for your area.
For mobile coverage, after some hunting, we found this link that shows a list of areas where Verizon's 5G Ultra Wideband mobile network is available.
Another way you can check for Verizon's coverage is through a site called Cellularmaps.
You can see all of the areas where Verizon provides home and mobile coverage, marked by red and green dots in the legend.
Upon clicking through to an area, you will be taken to a page on the Verizon website that shows you a list of covered cities, and the specific areas that have 5G coverage. It's not as detailed as some of the other carriers above, but you get the idea.
We found that Cellularmaps is actually a great resource for quickly getting an overview of different areas in the US that have 5G coverage, but for a more detailed analysis, we recommend following the steps outlined above.
If you live outside the US, we found this article especially useful for current and upcoming 5G availability around the world.
There are also other resources we found such as Cellmapper and Antennasearch, and although these are excellent tools to check for 4G towers and coverage, unfortunately, they don't cover 5G just yet.
We also installed the OpenSignal app, that claims to help to find the nearest cell tower in your area close to you, and although it worked for 4G towers, again we had no luck for 5G coverage.
So for now, follow the steps outlined above to locate 5G coverage near you, and as more information gets unveiled on 5G tower locations, we'll be sure to update this post.
How to Find 5G Towers Near Me
Now that we've covered how to find 5G in your area, let's talk about how you can actually locate and identify actual 5G towers near you.
Like we said earlier 5G towers are very different than your regular 3G/4G LTE towers. Those are easy to identify, although sometimes they are disguised as trees or flagpoles, but, most are large and rather obvious. 4G cell towers are designed to "simultaneously support hundreds of devices and operate on different radio frequencies."
You can also find the base stations or "cell sites" of these towers on top of buildings, tunnels, street lights, bridges and billboards and they allow "users to maintain their connections while traveling from one base station to another, even while driving at 100 miles/hour on a fast-lane highway," and are roughly 50 to 200 feet in height as seen below.
Source: Ruby Washington/The New York Times
5G small cells are quite different. Unlike cell sites installed on top of rooftops or building facades that need at least 150 sq ft to be installed, 5G small cell sites are much smaller, and "can be installed in a cabinet approximately the same size as a high school locker." In most cases, 5G small cells also have just one antenna per cell.
Since they are so inconspicuous, you have to look closely to find them, and since different carriers are installing different 5G equipment, they don't all look the same. Also, wireless carriers are deliberately hiding them:
"In Florida, they are camouflaging 5G towers in fake palm trees. In Arizona, they are building metal cactus trees to hide 5G towers. In Colorado and California, towers are being hidden inside phony evergreens."
So technically, 5G towers are likely to be placed in areas you would not expect. However, there are still a few things you can do to locate them:
- First, follow the steps above to find an area where 5G service is live
- Get an EMF meter capable of reading 5G signal frequencies
- Scout the neighborhood and you might see structures like the ones we've shared below to give you an idea of what a 5G tower could look like.
A Verizon 5G small cell installation in downtown St. Paul
Source: Julio Ojeda-Zapata/Pioneer Press
5G antenna in Arizona and New Mexico, disguised as a giant cactus
Small cell towers fixed on streetlights and utility poles in Pasadena, Calif.
Source: Photo by Dean Musgrove, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG
4. If you see something like the above it is most certainly a tower. To make sure it is a 5G tower, all you need to do is set your EMF meter to the RF (radiofrequency) setting. Then as you walk towards the tower check to see if the readings shoot up. You should get a steady signal once you're near the tower.
How to Measure EMF from 5G Towers Near Me
Remember how we mentioned above that not all 5G is created equal? This is important to keep in mind when trying to measure 5G frequencies near you.
Although mmWave technology is the "vision" for 5G in the next few years, it will take an immense amount of resources to build the millimeter wave-based small cell infrastructure that 5G demands. Most mobile carriers are not equipped for that just yet, so currently 5G runs on low-band and mid-band RF connections as well.
Similar to the high cost and slow roll-out of 5G infrastructure, 5G EMF meters that can measure higher frequency mmWaves are also not easily available in the market for consumer use just yet.
Those that we did find are industrial-based laboratory measuring equipment available for tens of thousands of dollars. Some leading manufacturers include Narda-STS, Rohde & Schwarz, and Anritsu.
So until a 5G meter is available for public use, and the rollout of 5G becomes more predominant across the nation, we highly recommend using the Acoustimeter AM-10 RF Meter Model.
This EMF meter can measure RF frequencies from 200 MHz to 8 GHz, which covers most of the current live 5G roll-outs from most carriers.
But, we must warn you, the results on using this EMF meter are going to be concerning — as you'll see below. It's also more terrifying as this is just the beginning...and you can only imagine what a full-fledged 5G roll-out is going to look like...
To learn more about EMF meters, read our post: The Ultimate Guide to EMF Meters and Detectors
This brings us to an important junction in this post, with the FCC's plans for 5G deployment, and carriers unrolling 5G (slowly but surely) nationwide, why are some people concerned?
The Dangers of RF Frequencies and Cell Tower Radiation
First, assuming you haven't read our other posts on Atmosure, detailing EMF Exposure and EMF Dangers, before we talk about the dangers of 5G, we'll briefly establish why radio frequencies (RFs) transmitted by cell towers (the same frequencies used by 5G) are dangerous.
It's a known fact that all cell phones emit electromagnetic radiation in the form of radio frequencies when connecting to a cell tower. There's no doubt that in the long-term cell phone radiation (combined with all the other types of EMF you are bombarded with each day), is detrimental to health.
In fact in 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO), actually classified cell phone radiation as being "possibly carcinogenic to humans."
When you look at the telecom industry, most argue that it all comes down to how much EMF actually poses harm to human health.
When talking about EMF exposure from cell phones, you have to consider two points of exposure — the first from the cell phone itself, and the second from the cell tower transmitting to the phone.
The truth is that only radiation generated from the cell phone is somewhat regulated, with the radiation limits being controlled by what is called SAR or Specific Absorption Rate.
In the United States, for instance, the FCC has set a maximum SAR limit of 1.6 watts/kg of body weight. That means that any phone that causes the body to absorb more than 1.6 watts of EMF for each kilo of body weight cannot legally be sold.
Source: Swiftfire
However, many experts believe that just measuring cell phone EMF by SAR ratings does not protect the public, and there is more to cell phone-induced EMF radiation than just the "heating" aspect.
And, their concerns are validated by a mountain of research. There are a large number of studies proving that both cell phones and RF transmitting cell towers emit harmful EMF radiation, including:
Tumor promotion by exposure to RF electromagnetic fields below exposure limits
This 2015 study showed that even at lower radiation levels, cell phone signals accelerated quicker tumor growth in mice. What's interesting to note is that the "tumor-promoting effects" in the study were observed at "low to moderate exposure levels (0.04 and 0.4 W/kg SAR), thus well below exposure limits for the users of mobile phones."
Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism
This groundbreaking study showed that just 50 minutes of holding a wirelessly connected cell phone next to the head (and brain) increases the rate of glucose metabolism, altering the brain's electrical activity, potentially leading to inflammation and disease. This study proved that even at low levels, EMF radiation can adversely affect the body's biochemistry.
Exposure to 900MHz EMF significantly damages neuronal development in the rat brain
Four separate research reports compiled by renowned Turkish professor Dr. Suleyman Kaplan, backed by 20 years of research in neurology, showed that exposure to 900MHz EMF drastically damages brain development in rats. One of the studies conducted on rats comparable in age to human teenagers "found significant brain cell damage within the hippocampus and cerebellum of rats following exposure to cell phone radiation frequencies," at just 1 hour a day for 1 month.
The Influence of Being Physically Near to a Cell Phone Transmission Mast on the Incidence of Cancer
The aim of this study was to evaluate if people living closer to "cellular transmitter antennas" were more at risk of developing malignant tumors. The study examined 1000 participants and evaluated their medical history in comparison to how close they lived to nearby cell phone masts. The study revealed that "the risk of newly developing cancer was three times higher among those patients who had lived during the past ten years (1994-2004), within a distance of 400m from the cellular transmitter, in comparison to those who had lived further away." It also concluded that the patients also "fell ill on average eight years earlier."
U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study
Last year's $30 million NTP (National Toxicology Program) study found "clear evidence" to confirm that 2 years of exposure to cell phone radiofrequency radiation (RFR) damaged DNA and increased cancer in male rats, and male and female mice.
World’s Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link
Finally, researchers with the distinguished Ramazzini Institute (RI) in Italy documented the correlation of cell tower radiation and cancer. The study exposed 2448 Sprague-Dawley rats from their "prenatal life to their natural death to "environmental" cell tower radiation for 19 hours per day (1.8 GHz GSM radiofrequency radiation (RFR) of 5, 25 and 50 V/m). RI exposures mimicked base station emissions like those from cell tower antennas, and exposure levels were far less than those used in the NTP studies of cell phone radiation."
The study found an increased rate of malignant brain (glial) tumors in female rats, and an occurrence of precancerous conditions such as Schwann cells hyperplasia in both male and female rats.
Dr. Ronald Melnick, Senior Science Advisor to Environmental Health Trust (EHT), explained that "all of the exposures used in the Ramazzini study were below the U.S. FCC limits. These are permissible exposures according to the FCC. In other words, a person can legally be exposed to this level of radiation. Yet cancers occurred in these animals at these legally permitted levels."
He concluded by saying that, "Governments need to strengthen regulations to protect the public from these harmful non-thermal exposures."
There are many many more studies to prove the harmful effects of cell phone radiation, but let's now specifically address why 5G cell towers are especially dangerous.
5G Radiation – Should We be Concerned?
Continuing from where we left off on the Ramazzini study above, numerous experts have expressed their concerns over RF exposure, urging governments and public health agencies, including the World Health Organization (WHO) to re-evaluate the carcinogenic threat of cell phone radiation.
With the roll-out of 5G, this threat is becoming very real, as emphasized by David O. Carpenter MD, former Dean of the School of Public Health at the University at Albany, "This is particularly urgent because of current plans to place small 5G cell towers about every 300 meters in every street across the country. These 5G ‘small cell’ antennas will result in continuous exposure to everyone living nearby and everyone walking down the street. The increased exposures will increase risk of cancer and other diseases such as electro-hypersensitivity."
This is supported by Dr. Joel Moskowitz, a public health professor at the University of California, who stated that 5G cellular technology is "a massive experiment on the health of all species."
Dr. Moskowitz emphasized that the mmWaves frequency used for 5G wireless communication can be absorbed by the skin and can impact biological processes adversely affecting the skin, eyes, sweat glands, testes, and peripheral nervous system.
Dr, Carpenter and Dr. Moskowitz are not alone in their apprehensions.
Over 240 doctors and scientists from 40+ countries worldwide (who have published peer-reviewed research on the adverse health effects of non-ionizing EMF) have signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stricter limits to 4G/5G RF exposure.
The appeal strongly asserts:
“Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”
There are countless more evidence-based studies opposing 5G, such as the Letter to the FCC from Dr. Yael Stein MD in Opposition to 5G Spectrum Frontiers, lists of literature reviews, research papers and expert opinions, and an unending list of Appeals From Scientists on the Health Risk of 5G that you can go through when you get a chance.
So we hope by now you're convinced that the health threat of 5G and 5G towers is not just hyperbole. Supported by scientists, doctors, and experts all around the globe — the threat is very much real.
Key Takeaways
- 5G, or fifth-generation cellular wireless, is the latest upcoming form of mobile communication promising lightning-fast data speeds and increased connectivity
- Both 5G and 4G use RF or radiofrequency waves to work, but at different frequency levels.
- 5G is potentially 100x faster than 4G and uses the EHF or Extremely High Frequency (EHF) band that runs in the 30 GHz to 300 GHz range.
- 5G small cell towers are also much smaller and more difficult to identify as compared to the current cell towers of today
- Many experts are concerned about the long-term effects of high-frequency mmWave (millimeter wave) radiation that 5G technology uses
- You can use an EMF meter to check for high levels of radiation in your area, and the results are certainly very concerning
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